easy shared mobility to the office
The Transfer Hub is a solution for the “last mile” to the office. From a public transport station or parking lot, employees have access to a high-quality shared bike. The last mile to work is traveled quickly and comfortably. Ideal if the office is not easily accessible by public transport or if there is a shortage of parking spaces at the office. The private shared bike is reserved in advance and is thus guaranteed to be available.
With hely you travel smart, flexible and sustainable
what is a
- (Electric) bikes for a part of commuting trip
- Bike is guaranteed: reserve in advance
- Reserving, opening and closing via the Hely app
- Reduces parking pressure and costs
- Less frustrations: no transfers, waiting time, parking
- From 10 to 1000+ bikes
- Full service: maintenance and reparations is provided
client cases
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save valuable time
NS & Shuttel
Is your organization already utilizing NS or Shuttel mobility cards? If so, registering new users for Hely shared cars or bicycles becomes a breeze. Additionally, all invoicing, trip registration, and reporting are consolidated in one place. This integration promotes efficiency and transparent administration.
our clients
interested in shared bikes for the office?
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