We want to provide the best experience for our users. That's why we ask about the experience after every ride. This is how we learn what we can improve and optimize.
ride reviews in 2024
average ride review of 9.2
With our app and vehicles, you are assured of personalized service and reliability. We ask for your feedback after every ride so we can continue to improve and give you the best experience. This year, our users rated us an average of 9.1, based on 15,028 reviews.
client Cases
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office hub
Thanks to Hely's Office Hubs, BPD employees can arrange their business trips in a flexible way. With both electric cars and bicycles, they are in control of how they want to go to their appointments.

community hub
Schoonschip is a social-ecological floating housing development in Amsterdam. Here 144 residents live in 30 houses on the water. The residential neighborhood was designed, developed and realized over ten years by the residents. Schoonschip has its own Hely hub with electric shared cars and bicycles.

transfer hub
Hely supplies Schiphol Amsterdam Airport with shared bicycles that are used to improve the accessibility of the business park at Schiphol East. Hely hubs have been placed at six different locations with shared bicycles that can be used by employees.

community hub
OurDomain SouthEast are apartment complexes in Amsterdam Zuid-Oost. With 6 electric cars, 4 electric bicycles and 1 electric cargo bike, residents can choose a vehicle that suits their journey.

A Hely Office Hub with electric shared cars and bicycles has been installed at NS headquarters in Utrecht. These can be used for employees to go to and from business appointments

transfer hub
Northwest Hospital Group uses 5 hubs at parking lots with shared bicycles so that employees can make the last trip to work by bike, reducing parking pressure.
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